Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hummus, a very popular Middle Eastern dip that is used as an appetizer and served with pita bread or chips or consumed with falafel. I found the Hummus available in market, too bland in taste, hence I tried enhancing the flavor with more garlic and lemon. The recipe below covers both Tahini and Hummus,


For Tahini,
  - 1/2 Cup Roasted Sesame Seeds, 1/4 Cup Olive Oil, 2 Cloves of Garlic
  - Lemon (needed while consuming Tahini), Salt to taste & Water

For Hummus,
  - 1 Cup Boiled Chickpeas, 1/4 Cup Olive Oil, Lemon
  - Ground Cumin Powder, Mashed Garlic, Salt & Water

Recipe ~

We'll need Tahini for making Hummus, so first of all let's prepare Tahini. Roast the sesame seeds until brown. Throw it in Mixer bowl along with mashed garlic, salt to taste and olive oil,
Grind it, check the consistency every two minutes and continue until smooth paste,

Now let's work on Hummus,
- We'll need boiled Chickpeas, I overnight soaked the chickpeas and boiled it.
- In a mixer bowl, mix the Tahini and Lemon and give it whirl, the Tahini would turn mashy.
- Further add garlic, olive oil, ground cumin powder and salt to taste. Mix it for 1 more min.
- Then add Chickpeas and mix it for 2-3 mins, if it feels dry add some water.
Take the Hummus in a bowl, spread little oil on the top and sprinkle some Paprika powder,

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